'Cause, see, Rusty, family isn't easy: Kids think they don't get to do what they want. But the truth is, parents don't get to do what they wanted to do, either. Parents get to drive kids around and help them with their homework after a long day at work. Do you think we like doing that? But, that's family: A bunch of people not doing what they want.
See, you're going to piss each other off, and say horrible things, and your going to make each other cry because there is no one in the whole world that will make you more miserable than your family will.
My point is: We're all going to die. And, we're all going to have gravestone with a 'dash' on it: "1942 - 2016;" "1963 - 2038...." And, that dash represents your life. And, the thing I know for sure is (looks and motions toward his family) 'cause of these four people right here - my family - is that 'dash' will have meant something. And, Rusty, I wish that for you, too. That's it.
Mike Heck's (Neil Flynn) Best Man toast at his brother, Rusty's wedding.
The Middle, Episode 72: The Wedding
Air Date: May 23, 2012
Writers: Eileen Heisler, DeAnne Heline, and Vijal Patel
Blackie and Blondie Productions, Warner Bros. Television