A career afterall, is a complete course or progress extending through life, that can abound in remarkable actions or incidents. Let's face it, there is only one reason to work -- to make money. If you approach working realistically -- that is as a gambling game that everybody plays -- you might find what you're looking for. A job can mean money, a challenge, a chance to use skills and talents you didn't know you had, a marvelous theatre of the absurd to watch and participate in, an opportunity to grow up, to meet all kinds of people, to function in society, to have an impact on that society. And, if you play skillfully, it should only take about forty or fifty hours a week, leaving you plenty of free time to develop an active, meaningful, satisfying private life.
Betty Lehan Harrigan
Source: Games Mother Never Taught You
by Betty Lehan Harrigan
©1977, Warner Books, pages 172 - 173